
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Age 11 - 18



Internet Safety

Mental Health advice and support

Help for if you are caring for someone else

Violence at home

Support for those affected by alcohol


Forced marriage


Anti-radicalisation and extremism 


Salford Thrive – Supporting Children and YP’s Emotional Health and Well Being

索尔福德茁壮成长已经为学校制作了一个关于路标/访问SEMH支持的快速指南, see attached documents.

The full directory can be found here;


Internet Safety


Think You Know 

Think You Know是一个你可以去的网站,它会帮助你回答你的问题,并让你知道如何在使用互联网时保持安全. 你可能使用互联网玩游戏或与朋友交谈,甚至搜索信息- Think You Know可以帮助你保持安全. 

Visit the website at 


CEOPS link for reporting internet crime -


Internet Watch Foundation

The IWF’s vision is the global elimination of child sexual abuse imagery online. They work to make the internet a safer place for all, 通过识别和删除网上虐待儿童的图片和视频,帮助全球儿童性虐待受害者. Their Hotline offers a safe place for the public to report anonymously.

Report content here:

Dos and Don’ts

DO NOT share private information on the internet.

If you are not sure DO check with your parents/carers before you give out information.

DO use the same rules when you surf the internet as you would walking down a street.

NEVER have face-to-face meetings with anyone you only know online.

DO accept friend requests from people you already know if you are friends with them, DO NOT accept friend requests or messages from strangers.

Cyber bullying is when one or more people try to tease, harass, 使用手机或互联网等技术手段威胁或使他人难堪.


Mental Health advice and support


儿童热线可以帮助你解决各种各样的问题,包括心理健康问题, any anxieties or issues you may have about your health, living situation or education. 

You can call them for free to speak to someone privately. 你可以联系儿童热线的咨询师,没有什么问题是太大或太小的.

Call free on 0800 11 11 or visit 


YoungMinds & CAMHS

YoungMinds是一个慈善组织,与儿童和青少年心理健康服务(CAMHS)合作提供支持, advice and counselling to young people experiencing depression, anxiety, bullying and eating difficulties. 

You can find a guide to support offered at 

Give us a Shout

Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.

If you’re struggling to cope, text SHOUT to 85258 and someone will get in touch to talk to you about your wellbeing.



Help for you if you are caring for someone else

The Children's Society 

你是一个年轻的照顾者吗?你在学校以外的时间里会照顾家庭成员吗? 儿童会与护工信托会一起努力工作,帮助那些照顾他人的儿童. 

Through visiting their website, you can get information on who to talk to, looking after yourself and advice on staying safe. You can also find information on projects near you. 

Visit their website today on 

你可以拨打他们的电话0300 303 7000,了解更多关于你可以在哪里获得支持的信息 


Carers Direct 

“照顾者指引”是为照顾生病、残疾或需要特殊帮助的家庭成员而设. It is part of the NHS website and offers information and advice. 

There is a phone number you can call to talk to someone on 0808 802 0202

Or you can visit their website on 




Violence at home

如果你在家里受到伤害,或者如果你担心你的家人在家里受到伤害,有很多不同的人可以帮助你. It can happen to anyone, but we don't always know who the right person is to talk to. 



避难所是一个可以帮助你理解家庭关系中什么是对的什么是错的组织. They have information on their website about who you can talk to, how you can talk to them, and what to do if you are worried.

You can visit their website at





如果你担心被你的家人或同居的人伤害或虐待,或者你担心你关心的人受到伤害,NSPCC会和你谈谈. They are able to offer support and to take some details from about what is happening. They can also talk to you through their counselling service.

You can visit their website at

You can email them on or you can call them on 0808 800 5000


Support for those affected by alcohol

The National Association for Children of Alcoholics

如果你被你所爱的人喝得太多或难以控制他们的酒精摄入量所影响,那么你可以得到适当的支持. NACOA offer a free and confidential helpline, ongoing support, information and FAQs. There are even links to other people's experiences on the website. 

Visit their website at: 

Alternatively you can call their free helpline on 0800 358 3456




Every child has the right to not be touched by an adult when they do not want to. Female Genital Mutilation is illegal, and a form of abuse, therefore should be dealt with quickly and seriously. 女性外阴残割包括因非医疗原因部分或全部切除女性外生殖器或对女性生殖器官造成其他伤害的所有程序.

The NSPCC have a special helpline for anyone concerned about FGM, or anyone who has been affected by FGM. You can call them on 0800 028 3550 or email them directly on 

If you are concerned that a child is at imminent risk of harm, 或可能在接下来的48小时内离开该国进行女性生殖器切割,你可以拨打999报警.
Where concerns are not imminent but are still serious, please call the Children's Helpdesk on 01452 426565


Forced Marriage

Forced Marriage Unit (FMU)

FMU是一项政府倡议,旨在帮助那些担心或面临被迫结婚风险的人, or anyone who has already been forced to marry another person. A trained professional will give you free advice on what you can do next, 并帮助你找到一个安全的地方停留或停止签证,如果你已经被迫赞助某人. You have the right to choose who you marry, when you marry or if you marry at all. 

Visit their website on

周一至周五(9-5)致电0207 008 0151,或在非工作时间致电0207 008 1500,向全球响应中心咨询. 


The Freedom Charity

自由慈善组织一直在提高人们的意识,努力阻止强迫婚姻在英国发生. On their website you will find resources, 如果你关心某人或你自己,如何获得支持的信息和方向. 

Visit their website on

Or call their helpline on 0845 607 0133

Alternatively you can text them on 88802 and they will call you back. You need to send the message '4freedom' 




If you are worried you might be pregnant, have any questions about pregnancy or are already pregnant and looking for support, Brook are able to help you. 他们是一个国家组织,致力于对年轻人进行有关怀孕和性健康的教育, and have many links with other support services and helplines. 他们还有一个论坛,供用户在一个安全和支持的环境中发布问题和相互交流. 

Visit their website at


Family Lives

Family lives offer a listening and supportive, non-judgemental service for parents. They have a lot of information on their website, including parenting advice videos and forums to chat to other families. 他们还为那些想要为人父母的人提供在线育儿课程. 

You can visit their website on 

Alternatively you can call their helpline on 0808 800 2222 for information, advice, guidance and support between 9am-9pm Monday to Friday or 10am-3pm at the weekend. 


Anti-Radicalisation and Extremism


PREVENT is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism. It is one of 4 elements of CONTES, the Government's counter terrorism strategy, aiming to stop people from becoming involved in terrorism or supporting terrorism. The Home Office works with local authorities, Multi-Academy Trusts, 并由多个政府部门和社区组织推行该策略. 

Please click here for a link to the official government document

Attached is a helpful guide for parents about Keeping Children and Young People Safe Against Radicalisation and Extremism




STOPTHETRAFFIK are part of the Oasis family, and are dedicated to the abolition of human traffiking, including sexual exploitation, somestic servitute, labour exploitation, force marriage, organ harvesting, forced criminality, drug trade and child soldiers. On their website are resources on spotting the signs of trafficking, 帮助或参与他们的工作的方法,以及一个安全的地方,如果你担心某人或自己处于危险之中,可以分享有关人口贩运的信息. 

Visit their site on 


Don't forget you can always ask for help from any of your teachers at the academy